PerformanceCompass® — The RAD Group

PerformanceCompass® is our suite of human performance solutions.

Behind each solution is the most recent research in human performance.

Honest Dialogue™

Disagreement, Collaboration & Conflict Resolution



Disagreement and conflict are a part of just about every team whether it be in the workplace or in our personal lives.  Effectiveness requires that these issues be dealt with in a way that leads to improved relationships and results.

This course is designed to help participants understand the underlying causes of conflict and then develop the skills and confidence for stepping up to the conversations needed to resolve that conflict, understand how to deal with the defensiveness that can occur and understand how to find a collaborative,  agreed upon solution that will create sustained improvement in relationships and results.

The 1-day Honest Dialogue™ training is a practical, interactive and research based approach to resolving conflict in any situation.

Course Agenda

• What Is Conflict and Where Does It Come From?

• Why We Stay Silent

• Breaking the Defensive Cycle™

• Collaborating to Find a Fix

• Creating a Culture of Collaboration

Who should attend?

→  Frontline employees

Course Details:

→  Half-day (4hr – without practice) and Full-day (8hr – with practice)

→  Original Video Examples

→  Video Exercises

→  Individual, Team & Group Problem Solving Exercises

→  Dynamic Practice in Full-day version

→  Skills-based

→  Train-the-trainer available

Participant Resources:

→  Participant Guidebook (graphically detailed for the visual learner)

→  Post-Training Reference Card


Honest Dialogue for Leaders™

Accountability, Redirection, Disagreement & Conflict Resolution



Conversations around performance failure and disagreement in general are difficult and often avoided, but are critical to effectiveness, improvement and relationship.

This 2-day training is designed to prepare leaders to successfully step up to accountability discussions and disagreements with anyone in a way that creates a context conducive to open, honest dialogue, understanding and improvement.  Participants will learn the underlying causes of conflict and then develop the skills and confidence for stepping up to the conversations needed to resolve that conflict, understand how to deal with the defensiveness that can occur and understand how to find a collaborative,  agreed upon solution that will create sustained improvement in relationships and results.  Additionally, each participant will develop a personal plan for creating a culture of accountability and collaboration in teams.

Course Agenda

• The Vital Importance of Accountability

• Why We Don’t Speak Up

• Stepping Up to Accountability Discussions™

• Breaking the Defensive Cycle™

• Context: Understanding Why Failure Occurs

• Finding the Right Fix

• Ensuring Sustained Improvement

• What Is Conflict and Where Does It Come From?

• Collaborating To Fix the Conflict

• Creating a Culture of Collaborative Accountability™

Who should attend?

→  Frontline Supervisors through Executives

Course Details:

→  2-Days

→  Original Video Examples

→  Video Exercises

→  Individual, Team & Group Problem Solving Exercises

→  Dynamic Practice

→  Skills-based

→  Train-the-trainer available

Participant Resources:

→  Participant Guidebook (graphically detailed for the visual learner)

→  Post-Training Reference Card

Best Boss

Leadership Skills



Most people are promoted to management/supervision because they were very good at the technical aspects of their previous jobs. They were good at “doing” to get results, but now they have to get results through the efforts of other people. What most new managers/supervisors know about how to manage the performance of other people comes from their observations of other managers, some good, some not so good. Most new managers fail, not from lack of desire, but from lack of skill and training.

Over the last 25 years we have started our management classes by asking the participants to tell us the leadership skills of the best boss they’ve ever had. We actually tracked the thousands of responses over the years and created a list of the most frequent and relevant leadership skills provided by participants from all over the world and in multiple industries.

The Best Boss training takes the 14 most frequently provided leadership skills, provides an understanding of the science behind each leadership skill, and provides a practical and easy to remember skill set for intentionally modeling each leadership skill. Participants leave the class with a strategy for being the best boss their employees will ever have.

Who should attend?

→ Frontline Supervisors, Managers, and Executives

Course Details:

→ 2 Days (8 Hours Each Day)

→ Individual, Team & Group Problem Solving Exercises

→ Dynamic Practice

→ Skills-based

Participant Resources:

→ Participant Guidebook

→ Post-Training Reference Card

→ 360 Assessment Available


Performance Redirection



Employees can let us down – they miss deadlines, arrive late and “bend” rules – which is one of the greatest challenges supervisors face. In the most effective organizations, supervisors respond to this kind of poor performance in a way that improves results, develops employees and enhances team dynamics…In other words, there is true accountability.

Performance failures occur for a multitude of reasons and failure to understand those reasons can lead to ineffective performance redirection. Understanding the context that created the failure increases the chances of sustained performance improvement.

The RAD Group’s Performance Redirection training provides supervisors with a skills-based process for stepping up to, understanding and effectively redirecting unsatisfactory employee performance.

Course Agenda

  • The Vital Role of Accountability
  • Three Failed Approaches
  • Why We Stay Silent
  • Setting the Groundwork
  • The Accountability Discussion™
  • On the Receiving End
  • Creating a Culture of Collaborative Accountability™

Who should attend?

→  Frontline employees (Half-day Track)

→  Frontline Supervisors and Managers (Full-day Track)

Course Details:

→  Half-day (4hr) and Full-day (8hr) tracks

→  Original Video Examples

→  Video Exercises

→  Individual, Team & Group Problem Solving Exercises

→  Dynamic Practice

→  Skills-based

Participant Resources:

→  Participant Guidebook

→  Post-Training Reference Card

Culture Change

Strategic Workshop to Change Culture



The culture and sub-cultures of an organization play an undeniable role in overall organizational performance. Comprised of the “unspoken rules” and “taken-for-granted behaviors” that drive employees’ decisions and actions while at work, culture inevitably emerges out of the way that an organization operates. It can either grow wild and unmanaged – unpredictably influencing employee performance and elevating risk – or it can be understood and deliberately shaped to ensure that employees uphold the organization’s values.

Using a Human Factors approach to influencing employee performance, Culture Change workshop walks leaders through a process for:

  1. Identifying what their specific culture should look like
  2. What organizational constraints they need to account for
  3. What steps they will take for creating this culture
  4. How they will measure culture change.

Who should attend?

→  Frontline employees (Half-day Track)

→  Frontline Supervisors, Managers, and Executives (Full-day Track)

Course Details:

→  Half-day (4hr) and Full-day (8hr) tracks

→  Original Video Examples

→  Individual, Team & Group Problem Solving Exercises

→  Dynamic Practice

→  Skills-based

Participant Resources:

→  Participant Guidebook (graphically detailed for the visual learner)

→  Post-Training Reference Card

→  Post-Training Coaching Card

Human Performance in Context™

Why People Do What They Do and How to INFLUENCE PERFORMANCE



Performance decisions do not happen in a vacuum, but rather in response to a complex set of factors.

This Half-Day training provides participants with an understanding of human performance and the many factors that drive it.  Built around a simple but robust model – The Contextual Model of Performance™ – this program makes the most recent science in human behavior easy to understand, and enables participants to analyze the behaviors that they observe.  In addition to improving performance, the course concepts and skills have a broad application both in operations as well as off the job.

Course Agenda

• Complexity and People:  Where People Fit in the Puzzle

• Performance Successes & Failures at Your Company

• What You Can Do About It:  Observe, Reinforce, Intervene

• Why People Do What They Do

• We Are Wired to Get It Wrong: Attributional Biases

• The Context Effect:  How Context Drives Human Performance

• The Contextual Model™

• Application: Large and Small Group Contextual Analysis of Key Performance Failures In Your Workplace

Who should attend?

→  Frontline Supervisors; Managers

Course Details:

→  Half-day (4hr)

→  Individual, Team & Group Problem Solving Exercises

→  Skills-based

→  Train-the-trainer available

Participant Resources:

→  Participant Guidebook (graphically detailed for the visual learner)

→  Post-Training Reference Card

Culture Alignment & Diagnostic

A Complete Analysis of an Organization’s Culture



The RAD Group has helped a long list of organizations uncover the real reasons behind seemingly hopeless and uncontrollable problems like high costs, low margins, excessive turnover, employee conflicts and other unwanted behavior. During the diagnostic process, our assessment experts interview a representative sample of employees, collecting and corroborating data to reveal what is actually going on in the organization. RADʼs diagnostic team then provides a detailed report of the relevant information to executive leadership, including recommended solutions for whatever problems may be uncovered during the diagnostic process.

The Results

The RAD Group was called in by an oilfield services company to help fix problems that they were having with newly acquired business units that had been combined into a single 1000 employee operating division. The division was performing well below expectations, with a turnover rate of 300% and extremely poor safety performance.

Turnover and LTAs in this one division were losing the company about $25 million annually.

The RAD Group performed a Culture Alignment Diagnostic of the division, discovered the various factors producing the poor results and designed and implemented an intervention strategy. The division ended the next year with a 40% turnover rate and an 82% reduction in LTA’s. These improvements translated to over $20 million in annual profit for the client.

360 Leadership Assessment

A Complete View of a Supervisor’s Impact on Performance



The RAD Group’s 360 Leadership Assessment process is designed to provide leaders at all organizational levels with feedback from other team members about their leadership skills and impact.

The process involves identification of each leader’s assessment matrix, which will include self, and may include his/her supervisor, direct reports, co-workers and other groups as appropriate. While there is not a maximum number of assessors per group, there is a minimum of 3 for each group (excluding self and supervisor) so that anonymity can be maintained.

The identified assessment sources will then be contacted via email and requested to complete an online assessment of the leader.

The assessment survey, which takes approximately 15-minutes to complete, can be customized to include organization-specific items in addition to the 81 items contained in the standard assessment.

These data are then compiled, averaged for each rating source/group and a personal report is prepared, which can either be sent to the leader for self-guided evaluation and improvement planning, or delivered by a RAD Group professional as part of a leadership coaching program or as a component of the organization’s leadership training program.

Contact us to find out more about our solutions.